The question that divides the world...

What Should We Eat?

Food choice is probably one of the most contentious issues in the health and wellness field.

What diet is the best for us? Diet was once controlled by our local environment – what was available through hunting and gathering.  When  people settled and agriculture began, new food types, such as grains, became staple.  With trade, food choices widened – spices were bought from exotic places, foods and eating preferences transported from one continent to another.  In modern times, with refrigeration, fast transport and  open borders, our choices have never been greater.  Indeed, we can eat seasonal fruit and vegetables all year round, access specialties from thousands of kilometers away.

Ironically, with the growth of food choices has come the proliferation of diets and eating regimes.  We  hear about the latest fad diets in the media, from friends and relatives. There is always something ‘new’ out there, and it can become very confusing to the average person who just wants to live a healthy lifestyle and perhaps keep that excess weight from creeping on… Diets are a polarising issue – from ethical, environmental and religious considerations, to conflicting research, fads, disproven fads , …what is the best way to go? What is the right thing to do?  

Is there an evidence based ‘right diet ‘that applies to everyone or is  ‘right diet’ more complex and nuanced than that – something that, with the right tools, can be ascertained  and individually designed? 

In the video below there is compelling evidence which  will shed some light on this important issue.