
This is the amazing story of a medical doctor who cured her lupus. This is her story: Read more
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This original article was posted on: Nutritionfacts.orgĀ It is a very informative article about the topic of plant based nutrition.
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I was asked about the ketogenic diet verses the whole food plant based diet. I always say if you want a short term benefit the keto diet will work. You can get wight loss, more energy, lower blood sugar levels, etc. But it will kill you on the long run. Sound strong but it is… Read More
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We've all heard it said... " I have diabetes... my mum has diabetes, her mum had it too ...I just have bad genes". But is this really true? Are we truly controlled by the genetic package handed down from our parents? How much influence do we have over our health and wellness destiny? These are… Read More
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