Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Harmoniser

Neutralises noxious EMR emitted from your mobile phone, laptop and all portable devices.

The Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Harmoniser is designed to neutralise the potentially harmful positive charged Electromagnetic Fields from all types of mobile phones, cordless phones, laptops and tablets, iPads, portable Wi-Fi Hotspots and Wi-Fi modems.

All types of mobile phones and Wi-Fi enabled devices radiate an EMR field which is a potentially harmful positive charge frequency.

Dangerous EMR emitted from a mobile phone while in use, or when placed in a pocket or handbag, may create electromagnetic stress on the vital life-energy of human organs and meridian channels.

As soon as someone touches a mobile phone, they may be immediately under electromagnetic stress.  This includes babies, children, teenagers and adults.  Even being near a mobile phone may cause electromagnetic stress on the body, i.e. the phone could be placed on a desk or table nearby.

The Orgone Effects ® Mobile Phone Radiation Harmonizer creates a healthy, negative charge energy field that neutralizes the harmful, positive charge energy field emitted from mobile phones, laptops, tablets, cordless phones, iPads, Wi-Fi Hotspots and Wi-Fi modems, potentially neutralizing the harmful resonant effect on human organs and meridians.

In addition, our Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer is unique in its ability to potentially provide further EMF protection from the effects of other EMR fields i.e. Earth Radiation (Geopathic Stress) and Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated).

Do you feel sick, dizzy or have a hot head while using your mobile phone?

Noxious energy emitting from a mobile phone may cause ‘Hot Head syndrome’ when talking for a prolonged period.  The most frequent complimentary feedback our customers give us is the relief from discomfort they once felt when talking on their mobile phone.

Orgone Effects ® Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer has been tested and proven for effectiveness by Accredited Kinesiologists and Bioresonance practitioners worldwide.

Our Harmoniser is flexible and universal in its use, meaning it can be used on all devices including those with compound curves i.e. DECT/cordless phone.

Aura photography showing the debilitating effect of a mobile phone on our energy fields when in use.


Aura photography showing the effect of the Radiation Harmoniser maintaining the human energy field balance.

Application Directions:
The Mobile Phone Harmoniser has a strong self-adhesive backing so it can be adhered to the back of the mobile phone or onto any portable wireless device.


Application Direction cont.
Alternatively, as our Mobile Phone Harmoniser will last forever, place the square wafer on the back of the phone between your protective cover so it is easily transferable when you upgrade your phone technology

What People Say...

I have been using products from Orgone Effects Australia for almost 10 years and have found them to be highly effective. A number of years ago I became concerned about getting a “hot-ear” from my mobile phone. After reading and researching the growing scientific evidence that radiation from mobile phones can cause brain tumors, my concern was confirmed when one of my clients at the time, a senior Neurosurgeon at an Australian hospital, told me that he had been extensively researching the effects of radiation from mobile phones over a long period, and had found a causative link to brain tumors and cancer. This Neurosurgeon had written and published articles on the subject.

I then researched and bought various products which didn’t seem to make any difference. I eventually came across the Orgone Effects website and I bought the Mobile Phone Radiation Harmoniser. No more hot-ear! It worked brilliantly.

P. Ferguson, Yarra Junction, Vic.

“Thank you for the Mobile Phone Radiation Harmoniser. I have put it on my iPhone and I no longer get a headache or hot head and hands. Thank you!”

D. Brown, Brisbane.

I recently holidayed at an 11-story Hotel which had four mobile phone panels on the side of the building – the equivalent of staying in a Mobile Phone Tower! The presence of the phone panels virtually made the building uninhabitable for me due to the extremely noxious energy disturbance which I could feel throughout my whole body. When I entered in my room, I quickly plugged in the Geoclense, and within seconds, I felt the space was cleared and I could no longer feel the strong energies stressing my body. I ended up sleeping well with the Geoclense plugged in which is amazing considering how toxic the room felt upon arrival.

Leanne C. Melbourne, Victoria

Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Harmoniser

Neutralizes noxious EMR emitted from your mobile phone, laptop and all portable devices.
$26 Including Free shipping in Australia