It's all in your genes... really?

Why 'Epigenetic' is a Buzzword

We’ve all heard it said… ” I have diabetes… my mum has diabetes, her mum had it too …I just have bad genes”. But is this really true?

Are we truly controlled by the genetic package handed down from our parents? How much influence do we have over our health and wellness destiny? These are questions worth pondering,  and science now clearly shows that we are not a helpless hostage to our genes. 

Our genes are not set in stone… they are dynamic, ever changing and responsive to the environment. Everything we think, eat or drink  and do can affect and change our gene expression.

Our genes provide the blueprint – strength and weaknesses  – but it is the gene expression that manifests a physiological response. 

So the good news is that we aren’t simply victims of our genes and  to have to sit by, hapless victims of our bodies …and the bad news is there is no-one to blame anymore!  The lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis can have a positive or negative health outcome, for which we are alone responsible.

Watch the short video below with Dr Dean Ornish, an American doctor who now treats people with whole food.