
July 31, 2018
We've all heard it said... " I have diabetes... my mum has diabetes, her mum had it too ...I just have bad genes". But is this really true? Are we truly controlled by the genetic package handed down from our parents? How much influence do we have over our health and wellness destiny? These are… Read More
Read More may not like what you are about to see Most people love cheese, but what  are the true health implications of eating it?  Dr Neal Barnard is featured in this video, which is probably one of the best exposes available on cheese. How does body function when we eat cheese ? Let's find out… Read More
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What diet is the best for us? Diet was once controlled by our local environment - what was available through hunting and gathering.  When  people settled and agriculture began, new food types, such as grains, became staple.  With trade, food choices widened - spices were bought from exotic places, foods and eating preferences transported from… Read More
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