



Sarva is a wellness coach and health advocate specialising in effective strategies to improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

My Services.

Find Out Your Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio with a self-test kit.

We all know the importance of the balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Millions of people around the world are taking various Omega 3 supplements as science has shown the benefits of supplementation.

But without testing how do we know if the supplement really works or if it’s just a waste of money – giving people a false sense of security about their health?

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Single Session

60 minute face-to-face Internet based (through video call). Learn about strategies for a more optimum lifestyle:

  • More energy
  • Vitality
  • Mental clarity
  • General wellbeing
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Monthly Subscription Coaching

This is a 20 minute face to face Internet based video call. It is the best way to get the support you need to ensure long-term results.

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“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” ~ A.J. Reb Materi, Our Family

My Wellness Philosophy

My journey into wellness started when I adopted a completely new lifestyle at the age of 20, and I have continued with this journey for the past 38 years. During this time I’ve embraced health and wellness in a number of capacities: as a vegetarian cook/restauranteur, health food formulator/manufacturer/marketer, health researcher and wellness advocate/coach.

Essentially, my approach hasn’t changed – but tools available to achieve good health have evolved to become more effective .

My research indicates that there are a number of simple, key-factors for wellness. It is my conviction that by adopting and maintaining these key-factors, people will experience wellness and vitality in over 90% of cases.

  • Whole-food plant based diet
  • Active life-style
  • Eliminating and or reducing toxic exposure
  • Loving relationships
  • Strong purpose
  • Spiritual practice

These key-factors represent my core strategies. I do not recommend a large selection of supplements. In fact I only promote a few whole-food based supplements along with some cutting edge, non-invasive evidence based health technologies.

Testimonials .

  • I had an epigenetic hair screening done by Sarva and was surprised at how comprehensive the report was! It is a great tool to help me understand my body and how my lifestyle and environment has affected my health. I am looking forward getting my next test done once I have waited for 90 days !

    Yamuna Sztraka
  • Sarva has a deep and broad knowledge about overall health and what constitutes a healthy diet. His warmth and kindness enriched his care of my health concerns and I felt I was in good hands during my consultation. He is an excellent health consultant.

    Kiki Gallagher

Contact .
