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This page is to support my clients. You will find information we’ve talked about during consultation along with recipes, videos and links to order products I recommend.

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I am supporting a plant based whole food diet. My specific dietary suggestions will help you to increase your raw food intake without feeling you are on a rabbit food diet.

It is simple, enjoyable and very good for you. 

Some people find a fruit based breakfast is not working for them and prefer to have something else in the morning. It is an individual thing and it can be adjusted according to your desire.

Dietary Suggestions

I suggest 3 meals a day. One fruit based, one salad and one cooked meal. If you can, eat the fruit based meal for breakfast, salad for lunch and the cooked meal for dinner. My reasoning behind this is:


The longest period we have without food is during our night sleep. Most people sleep 6-8 hours during night. We wake up with an empty stomach and it’s best not to load up the stomach with a heavy meal right away. why? Because the body is still in elimination mode and fruit is the best preparation for the day.

Eating a fruit based breakfast brings a number of benefits:

  • Quick and easy to prepare in the morning without any cooking
  • Rich in live enzymes
  • Easy to digest
  • Provides a lot of energy
  • Assist hydration due to the high water content

A salad based lunch is convenient at work or on the go.

When following a whole food plant based diet, it is safer to buy salads than cooked food. It is almost impossible to find cooked food without any added oil or fat in food outlets.

Salads are rich in live enzymes and prepare your body for the evening meal.



A cooked meal for dinner is practical for most people who are working or away from home during the daytime. Eating a cooked meal which contains grains, beans/lentils and protein can take more time and energy to digest. 

This is why is better to eat these foods for dinner as we don’t want to become sluggish during day time. It is also better to eat in the early evening, 6-7 pm, giving ample time for the food to pass through the stomach which in turn assists proper digestion. 


Videos to Watch

This makes your life easier

Daily Dozen Challenge

Dr Greger created the Daily Dozen Challenge to help more people discover how easy it is to fit some of the healthiest of healthy foods into their daily routine.

It is a public challenge to you to try to check off all the Daily Dozen servings for one day based on the Daily Dozen checklist. Then you challenge more people, and on and on, and soon lots of people will be eating healthy!

You can download the app by clicking below.  Also here is the link to his website which is one of the best information storehouse for plant based diet and evidence based nutritional information. https://nutritionfacts.org/



Some Personal Recipes

My Fruit Based Breakfeast

I have made this breakfast for many years. This recipe is only a guideline, you can adapt it to your liking by changing some of the ingredients and amounts. You will need a blender. Consume all of the smoothy within 30 minutes. Do not put it in the fridge for later as some of the ingredients will diminish in nutritional value through oxidation.

Sarva’s Breakfast Smoothy (makes approx 1 L)

  • 3 ripe bananas if there is no banana use pawpaw or other soft fruit
  • Apple/pear/pawpaw
  • Fresh or frozen berries
  • 2 table spoons activated (soaked overnight) mixed nuts (almond, pecan, walnut, brazil nuts, etc)
  • 1 table spoon activated sunflower seed
  • 1 table spoon activated pumpkin seeds
  • 1 table spoon linseeds
  • 1 table spoon chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon naturally fermented apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon shredded coconut
  • Half a cup (125 ml) of almond milk
  • Purified water (the amount is up to you some depending what consistency you prefer)

Pour almond milk into the blender. Add other ingredients and blend. Other superfoods can be added (like turmeric, maca, probiotic whole foods, etc). Keep in mind that they will affect the taste and consistency.

General sasoning

This general seasoning will turn any bland food into a sumptuous meal. It can be make in larger quantities and will keep for weeks without refrigeration.

Dry roast equal amount of sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds on low heat until the sesame seeds are golden brown. Be careful not to burn. This can be done in the oven as well. Add your choice of spices, dried herbs and some Brag’s amino acids. Mix ingredients well.